
With these tutorials, you can learn how to use the tool in no time! You can read them in order, or scroll directly to the one that interests you most.

Go to You will find the form to create a new Organization:



Input the following values:

Name, the full name of your Organization;

Logo, an image that will be used as logo (you can upload an image of any format and size, it will be scaled);

Url identifier, the name of your organization subdomain (if you choose “lp”, all the pages for your organization will be under “”). Remember to put only character and numbers, no spaces or symbols allowed;

Main mail, an email address. The mail sent by LarpManager will include a redirect to this address, so everytime a player will answer to one of the LarpManager’s mails, you will receive it here.

Press submit; your new subdomain will be immediately created. You will be brought to the newly created Organization Management page, where you’ll find all the function to create new events, runs, and everything else you’ll need. 



This is the User navigation bar. It will be visible to all users; for now it contains only the direct link to the public homepage of your Organization, where all the upcoming runs will be shown. 



This is the Management navigation bar. It will be visible only to people with a management role either on the Organization, or one of its Events. These links will bring you directly to their Management pages. 


If in the future you need to update the Organization, go to the Organization management panel.

Remember to access the LarpManager help pages if you need any help!



On the top right of the page you'll find a button Sidebar. When you're working in an Event, or the Organization functions, it will show all the management links for your convenience: